Thursday, October 3, 2013

Second Week

Wow! I almost through my second week at Google. 8) It's been a whirlwind so far. This week has been all about the Google Top Contributor Summit 2013. I met quite a few TCs in the Adwords Community. Plus I've met as many if not more Googler from all the different product lines. The coolest has been Google Glass. As a photographer I am so excited about this technology. I spoke with Sara the PM for Google Glass and one of the speakers at the summit. I unabashedly ask her how I could into their explorer program especially for using the Glass for wedding photos. I'm crossing my fingers that I will be lucky enough to be chosen for the next round. Oh I can't close this blog without mentioning the the first night's social dinner event. Had a blast with great food and free drinks! My glass goes off to CHristine, Rachel, Phil, Bjorn and Mehdi who were mates for the evening. Too cool a bunch of smart yet fun people. Rachel and I didn't get to save the Goldfish in the colored Google glasses but Christine and I did get to keep our white pillows that lit up with google colors. 8) jp