Monday, May 11, 2009

Can you believe it??

So I was on the phone at work today. I got a call from someone who needed help with his printroom order for Fenway parkway. Now being a total non-baseball person (the only one in my family expect maybe my sister), I don't know Fenway from Dodger stadium to Green Monster. So I ask the guy who sounds like he has an eastcoast accent, if this is for the Yankees team? His reaction is, "Are you kidding me?" And I reply, "I'm not a baseball person so please tell me which team is for Fenway." And he says, "I don't want to talk to you to you right now." And he proceeds to hang up! Can you believe this happened? I mean talk about a very loyal baseball (Boston Redsox as I found out later) fan.

My only reaction to that this guy is relax and get a life. lol


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