Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Daily Entry

So I'm doing my daily news junkie routine. I can't help but see all this news about Charlie Sheen over and over again. This does pique my curiosity though. I click on the link to Sheen's Korner Ep 3: Torpedoes of Truth Part 2. And Good Lord! but watching his diatribe is sad. Sad because prior to his recent breakdown, I've always admired Charlie Sheen for his acting ability. From Red Dawn to Two and a Half Men. But they only thing I can say about his recent video is it seems to be just a drug addict spewing random thoughts on the camera. Either that or its his best acting performance in his career. Honestly, though, I think the guy really needs some psychiatric help. And Fast! I think if he was anyone but Charlie Sheen, he would have been locked up in a mental ward for evaluation. I would hope that his closest friends and family would be trying to get him some medical help. Unfortunately it looks more like the people around him (not to mention the Media) are just trying to cash in on his famous/infamous behavior. Sad, very sad. It's even more deplorable in that this is at the top of the news. 8(


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