Monday, May 16, 2011

Daily Entry

I found this article yesterday that I really believe describes one of the things that defines me. The title of the article is, "Self-compassion may matter more than self-esteem". Being kind to yourself may be the most important life skill - imparting energy, resiliency and courage, researchers find.

The article goes on to describe its difference between self-compassion versus self-esteem. To quote, '"It is not this nimby, bimby stuff," said Paul Gilbert, a researcher at Kingsway Hospital in the United Kingdom. "Compassion is sensitivity to the suffering of self and others and a commitment to do something about it."
Self-compassion, as defined by Neff in the academic literature, has three aspects: mindfulness, common humanity and kindness'.

If this sounds like something you can relate to, I recommend you read the full article.

Here's a similar article you can also read up more on this topic, "Being kind to yourself".


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