Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Interesting thing happened while on my way to work this morning...!

While I always carry a camera in my car (Nikon D2H) for any photo-op opportunity [Peter Parker eat your heart out!], I saw something unusually brief event this morning that I didn't have time to bust out my D2H especially while driving in the morning traffic. As I was going Northbound on 101 to work near Dela Cruz Blvd, I saw what appeared to be a plane landing towards Mineta Airport. While using a plan landing or taking off is not an unusual sight on a typical morning commute, seeing a single prop engine going towards the airport is definitely not a usual sight. I've literally seen hundreds of commercial and private corporate jet planes going to and fro Mineta Airport but never what looked like a Cesna single prop plane before. Point of fact, I've lived near Reid Hillview Airport most of my adult life. I see plenty of single or more prop planes over there. This leads me to conclude that what I saw this morning was likely an emergency landing for that single prop Cesna. It's probably not going to make the evening news but it was still an unusual event to witness on my morning commute. I truly hope that the pilot of that plane made a safe landing.


P.S. Here is a photo that my buddy Ian took a month or so ago when we were commuting home from work one day. Like today's event it was special because what we saw was a WWII era B-17 Flying Fortress flying around the sky that day! Fortunately I did have my D2H in the car and Ian is an excellent photographer who took advantage of being the passenger while I was driving that day. 8)

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